How a Zone Control Heating System will help you lower heating costs

Did you know that you can keep specific areas of your home at different temperatures? Zone heating systems allow users to heat or cool specific areas of their home, depending on outside temperatures and the desired temperature of the space. Utilizing these types of systems can help you reduce costs this winter.

How does a zoned system work?

Zoned heating and cooling systems contain two main components – dampers in your ductwork and multiple thermostats. Dampers are like valves that control the flow of your heated and cooled air throughout your home, and these dampers are electronically controlled. Thermostats are also placed in each individual zone so that it can control the electronic dampers in your air ducts to make that zone the correct temperature.

So when one zone needs more heat, the thermostat tells the damper to open up and let more heat through. Once a zone has reached the desired temperature, it closes the damper and sends air to the rest of your home. 

 Use for zoned systems 

There are multiple reasons why someone would want a zoned system. The most common reason is to eliminate temperature differences. 

 Differences in temperature between floors 

In most homes with a traditional heating and cooling system, there are hot and cold spots. This is especially true in multi-story homes, because heat rises. In a zoned system, two zones would exist. When one zone reached the desired temperature, the dampers would close, which forces more heat or cool air into the other zone so that it can also reach the desired temperature. 

 Personal preferences 

Another reason a zoned home heating and cooling system might be a good investment for your home is so that different family members can keep their space at a desired temperature. For example, you may want to keep a baby’s nursery slightly warmer than the rest of the house. 

 Un-used rooms 

Un-used rooms are also another common use case for a zoned system. By keeping un-used rooms at temperatures that are closer to the outside temperature, you are not wasting money heating or cooling that space to the same extent as the rest of your home. 

Environmental benefits of zoned systems 

Each use case listed comes back to efficiency. Zoned systems are more efficient than others. This has an environmental impact in addition to the convenience and comfort that a zoned system provides. 

Fagone Plumbing: MA’s North Shore HVAC Expert

Fagone Plumbing is a certified HVAC technician and can help you reduce heating costs or improve your existing HVAC system. If you need HVAC installation or repair, Fagone Plumbing can also perform those services. 

Nick Fagone