How to Avoid Common Plumbing Emergencies

No one wants to deal with a plumbing emergency, but it can happen to anyone. If you want to avoid these emergencies, you can do a few things. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most common plumbing emergencies and how to avoid them. Keep reading for more tips!

Know where your main water shut-off valve is.

In any home, there are countless potential sources of water damage. From a burst pipe to a leaking roof, a sudden influx of water can quickly wreak havoc on your property.

That's why it's important to know where your main water shut-off valve is located. In the event of a plumbing emergency, shutting off the water can help minimize the amount of damage.

The shut-off valve is typically located near the water meter or where the main water line enters the house. Knowing its exact location can save you valuable time in an emergency.

Keep a plunger handy to clear clogged drains.

One of the most common plumbing emergencies is a clogged drain. If a plunger doesn't do the trick, you may need to call a professional. However, if you know how to use a plunger correctly, it can be a very effective tool for clearing minor clogs.

When using a plunger, make sure to cover the entire drain opening. This will create a seal so that the plunger can work effectively. Once the plunger is in place, use quick, up-and-down motions to generate suction.

Have a bucket and towels on hand to catch any water that may leak from your pipes

Leaking pipes are another common plumbing emergency. If you notice a leak, it's crucial to take action quickly to minimize the amount of damage.

Once you've located the source of the leak, put a bucket underneath the pipe to catch any water that may be leaking out. Then, use a towel to soak up any water that has already leaked onto the floor.

If the leak is coming from a pipe, you may be able to fix it with a pipe clamp temporarily. This will stop the flow of water until you can get the pipe repaired by a professional.

Inspect your faucets and toilets for leaks regularly

One of the best ways to prevent a plumbing emergency is to regularly inspect your faucets and toilets for leaks. Even a small leak can cause major water damage if it's not fixed promptly.

To check for leaks, turn off all the faucets in your home. Then, check the water meter. If the meter is still running, there's a good chance you have a leak.

Contact Fagone Plumbing

If you experience a plumbing emergency, don't try to fix it yourself - call a professional plumber instead! Fagone Plumbing can assist you in repairing any plumbing issue so that you can get back to living life as normal. Don't wait until it's too late, give us a call today!

Nick Fagone