Water Main Services & Repair in MAssachusetts

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Water Main Repair Capabilities & Services in Massachusetts

A Water Main, simply put, is your plumbing’s main line. This is usually connected to your homes well or the town/city water system and brings the water that comes out of your your faucet, into your home. To have one of these break is never good but thankfully, those who have improved on designs over the years have kept maintenance in mind in case of breaks. Fagone Plumbing has years of experience diagnosing, analyzing, and performing maintenance repairs on broken Water Mains.

How Water Mains Break

Water Mains are generally found underground and lead directly into your home or business. There are a few reasons as to how and why a water main can break. Due to New Englands harsh winters, we see some water mains breaking due to the ground swelling and contracting due to temperature changes. Water Mains that break this way tend to be outdated and have been used for a long time already. Extra Strain and pressure also can be what eventually cracks the water main line.

Water Main Repair Costs

With so many variables factoring into what caused the damage and what needs to be repaired, its difficult to provide Average Water Main Repair costs. At times, this type of damage can have additional damages/ costs associated with them depending on if they were identified in a timely manner. If you need a cost estimate of repair for water main damage, give Fagone Plumbing a call today. If we can provide an estimate over the phone, we can schedule an appointment for an in-person assessment.

Fagone Plumbing: Water Main Repair Experts

If you suspect your Water Main has been damaged due to the winter months, nearby construction, or any number of reasons, Fagone Plumbing is here for you.