Top 10 Ways You’re Wasting Water

Water is a precious natural resource. Think of all the activities and processes that will stop around the world if there is a water shortage. Water scarcity is a growing concern for a large number of countries around the world, and they are putting their attention to this problem.

As the world-leading organizations such as the UN work to create awareness regarding water shortages, you can also contribute to the cause by preventing water loss. So, here are the top 10 ways you might be wasting water.

10 Ways You Might Be Wasting Water

1.      Ignoring faulty Fixtures

Do you have old house plumbing? Are there any faulty taps and showerheads in your house? You should consider fixing or replacing the plumbing fixtures to avoid excessive water loss.

2.      Running Taps

Do you leave the tap open while brushing your teeth, shaving, or washing your hands? Did you know that turning off the taps while brushing or shaving can potentially prevent the loss of 5,700 gallons of water per annum?

3.      Long Showers

Everyone knows that spending hours in showers is unnecessary, yet people waste so much time and water. By opting for better and efficient showerheads, your family can save up to an average of 2,700 gallons per annum.

4.      Extensive Dishwashing

Don’t let your kitchen faucet run while washing dishes. It can potentially save up to 10 gallons of water by turning off the faucet for five minutes during dishwashing.

5.      Partial Dishwashing

Consider using the dishwasher when it’s full to save up to a maximum of 320 gallons of water per year.

6.      Landscape Irrigation

Homeowners waste approximately over 7,000 gallons of water per annum (nearly 400 showers) on inefficient landscape irrigation systems. By opting for professional maintenance, this shortage might not occur.

7.      Faulty and Leaking Pipelines

Leaking pipelines may lead to low water pressure in your house. Apart from that, when was the last time you did a check on your house’s internal plumbing. US stats suggest that household leaks account for a loss of nearly 900 billion gallons of water.

8.      Toilet Flushes

Toilets account for the major use of water in every household. Conversely, there is evidence that replacing old inefficient water faucets and toilets can save you up to a maximum of 13,000 gallons of water per annum.

9.      Over-watering Lawns

If you keep watering your lawn for over 20 minutes throughout the week, do you know how much water you are wasting? Nearly 800 showers, and that’s the equivalent of an average US family’s one year’s worth of showers.

10.  Partial Laundry Loads

Doing small laundry is a common nuisance that contributes to excessive water waste. Opt for saving water by doing laundry when it is really full.


 Do you want to opt for efficient water fixtures and piping for your house in order to benefit from lower water bills and water conservation? Reach out to Fagone Plumbing for effective plumbing of your entire house.

Nick Fagone