Common Furnace Issues and How to Fix Them

Furnace Isn’t Starting

There are a few reasons why your furnace may not be starting when your thermostat is set above your home’s current temperature. Below are some of the most common reasons why this is happening:

  • The switch for the furnace may be turned off and just needs to be switched on to start working again. You can find this switch either on or near the furnace.

  • Your thermostat isn’t working properly. This could be for a handful of reasons such as loose wires or it needs new batteries.

  •  Your filter for your furnace may need to be cleaned or replaced. These filters oftentimes become dirty and block airflow from the furnace which can cause it to break.

  • If your furnace is still not starting and you have crossed off all the possible reasons above, it may be because the main circuit board of your furnace is broken or bad. If this is the case it is time to hire a professional HVAC technician to take a look.

Furnace Keeps Shutting Off

If you notice that your furnace is starting but then continues to shut off this could be caused by a dirty furnace filter. A shutting-off furnace is also an indication that your thermostat is malfunctioning or failing. And lastly, the flame sensor in your furnace could be broken and need to be replaced.

Furnace is Loud

A noise furnace can be very annoying and distracting. Here are some of the main reasons why a furnace is making noise:

  • The draft or blower motor may need to be replaced

  • A dirty air filter can actually cause a whistling sound

Furnace Smells Bad

There are two common reasons why a furnace may have a bad smell coming from it. The first being that the filter is extremely dirty and needs to be cleaned or replaced. The next reason, which is less pleasant than a dirty filter, is that there may be a dead mouse or other rodent trapped somewhere within the system.

Call a Trusted HVAC Technician

If you notice any of these issues listed above with your furnace this season, please contact Fagone Plumbing and HVAC. We will send an HVAC technician to take a look and fix any issues you may have with your furnace so it is up and running like normal again!

Nick Fagone