Pre-Winter Heating System Checklist

Winter is coming, and if you intend to overlook your heating system again, have a rethink. You do not want to reach out to your heater when winter fully hits and realize that it does not work —discovering that your furnace doesn't work as well as it used to is heartbreaking and will make you wonder what happened to it over the summer.

It is quite normal to find that your heating system does not work as well as it should after being suspended for a period. One of the common reasons is; it may have gathered dust and grime from the months gone by without use. The key to avoiding the discomfort that may arise if you only operate your heater when winter has arrived full swing is to check it before then.

 Here are some guidelines:

Things to Check in Your HVAC System Before Winter 

Check and Clean Out Ducts, Filters, and Accessible Parts of Your HVAC System

Before you resume use of your HVAC system, you should give it a good dusting. This involves cleaning out the filter or chimney before reactivating it. Doing so is imperative because ducts and filters collect dust and grime when they are dormant. If cleaning with a damp cloth restores your filter to efficiency, it will suffice. It is recommended that you replace your HVAC filter every three to six months to avoid any issues and ensure the air your family breathes is clean. You should also check the ducts for leakages.

Observe The Heater in Action

After clearing out the airflow system, you can turn on your heater or furnace and observe it. Check for and note any abnormal sounds, strange smells, or smoke. Ensure also that your thermostat and carbon monoxide detectors are working well.

Draught Proofing

Yes, this is just as important. You should check your walls, doorways, and windows for cracks or spaces where air can escape through. This will allow the proper circulation of heat and prevent your HVAC system from overworking itself.

Keep Personal Belongings Away from Vents and Filter.

As a safety precaution, please keep flammable objects away from your furnace or heater. You should also keep the filter free from being blocked by personal belongings.

Schedule A Maintenance Session with Your Technician or A Professional

The place of maintenance by a professional cannot be overlooked. It is important to have fixed routine maintenance for your appliances, especially your HVAC system. Services such as diagnosis of HVAC system faults, servicing of boilers, draught-proofing, and recommendation for replacements, are best done by professionals.

Fagone Plumbing, Heating, & HVAC: The Leading Pre-Winter Heating Specialists

If you're familiar with your heating system, taking the steps above will help ensure your system runs smoothly all winter long. If you need assistance, contact our team of experienced HVAC technicians at 781-727-7807.

Nick Fagone