How to Fix & Prevent a Clogged Garbage Disposal

Garage disposals are a great addition to any kitchen. The ability to throw scraps of food through away through the sink as opposed to the trash, keeps your kitchen and home smelling better. With disposals being out of sight, it can be a mystery when they no longer work or become clogged. Here at Fagone plumbing, we wanted to outline some quick things to check and consider when you’re are having trouble with your garbage disposal!

Getting to know your Disposal

If it’s the first home you have with a disposal, its best to understand how the work. Within every garbage disposal there is something called a P-trap. The P-Trap is a U-shaped pipe under the sink that collects waste and holds water. The reason it holds water is to prevent sewage air from wafting up into your kitchen.

Removing the P-Trap

Some P-traps have a quick release, giving you easy access to cleaning out the drain. If your P-Trap doesn’t have an easy access disconnect, you may need a grab a pair channel locks to release the pipe. After releasing the P-Trap, (be sure to put down towels and a bucket!) clean the debris and you should be good to go! If there isn’t any visible back up, the issue could be further down the system. If this is the case, you will need a drain auger or snake.


Knowing what is acceptable to put down your garbage disposal goes a long way in keeping it functioning properly. Always to be sure to have the water running before turning on and adding waste to the disposal. This helps push the waste down drain and makes it easier for waste to break down. Some food products that causes concern are those of a starch or fibrous nature. These can bind up and clog disposal and p-trap.

It is also recommended to not put grease or oil through the disposal. When these hot liquids cool down, they solidify and can cause a lot of issues for your disposal. For grease and oil waste an old coffee container does the trick!

Lastly, be sure to only be putting bio-degradable food waste through your disposal. The addition of plastic, or other unnatural materials can dull blades or cause backups and clogs.

Fagone Plumbing is here to help!

If you have any existing issues with your garbage disposal, feel free to give us a call! Our licensed plumbers can get your clogged disposal working in proper fashion in only a few hours.

Nick Fagone