How to Tell if Your Water Pressure is Too High

Water pressure that is too high can be a nightmare on a house’s plumbing system. But how do you know if yours is too high? Here are 5 signs that you may need a professional to fix your water pressure before it is too late!

Leaking Pipes 

Leaking pipes can be caused by high water pressure. When the water pressure is extremely high it puts strain on a home’s whole plumbing system. The pressure causes loosened joints within the piping systems which causes leaking. If leaking pipes are left unattended or not fixed, they can cause an abundance of problems including water damage, mold and rotting within a home.

Expensive Utility Bills

High water pressure is also extremely wasteful. Because it is high pressure, more water comes out quicker every time someone turns on a faucet, takes a shower or flushes a toilet. Because more water is being used, this will result in very expensive utility bills.

Loud Bangs 

Do you hear a loud banging noise when you shut off a faucet in your home? This is a sound called “water hammer”. It happens when high pressure water changes direction within the pipes of your home. This causes the pipes to move quickly banging into other pipes or barriers. Not only is a water hammer annoying to homeowners, but it is also extremely dangerous. Consistent banging of pipes can cause them to break and burst. 

Leaking Faucet

If a faucet is constantly dripping or spitting out water forcefully when it is turned on, this is another sign of high water pressure. Inside faucets are a rubber seal that prevents water from leaking out when the faucet isn’t being used. However, with constant exposure to high water pressure, these seals will break down. 

Loud Appliances

If your dishwasher or washing machine starts to make a lot of noise that it didn’t before it could be caused by high water pressure. Appliances are not built to deal with forceful water pressure. Higher water pressure can cause parts of these machines to break and become noisy. This will be annoying to listen to and also will shorten the lifespan of your appliances.

If you have noticed any of these problems in your home, contact a professional today. Don’t keep wasting water and money because of high water pressure in your home.

Nick Fagone